(to be) Supergirl: Fighting Stance (NSFW)

I know. I’m SUPPOSED to be finishing “Supergirl-1943″, but I’ve been too intimidated. And I hadn’t done any drawing lately that showed my skills were up to THAT challenge……until now (at least IMO). THIS will be Supergirl, and as you’ve probably noticed, I usually start out with the nude (mostly because I’m still not that confident with cloth). And, since I wanted to preserve this drawing in this stage anyway, I thought I might as well put it up for you to critique. If it doesn’t get TOO picked-apart here, I’ll go on with it, but in any case–NOW is the time for changes, so have at it (please).

Supergirl: Fighting Stance, WIP (NSFW)

(Click image for larger view). Will be Supergirl in a fighting stance. I usually draw the nude first, as I’m still not completely comfortable drawing cloth.

Note: no references here (you may be thinking that it shows), but it is inspired by another artist’s drawing, though I didn’t look at it to draw this. THAT drawing is here: Superchick_by threetoedmidget

Supergirl ©DC Comics