Mark Celis’ Online Illustration Portfolio

I guess it’s now LONG-past time that I set-up a one-stop link for an online “portfolio” of my illustrations. So: below are some of the best (in my opinion) of the past few years, displayed from the latest to the earliest, covering mostly the last five years. I hope you enjoy them.

“Sue Solare” for the 2013 National Paper Doll Convention

Face Detail for the above Illustration. This is a digital painting in Photoshop using a photo of an actress named Lauren Ambrose as reference, seen side-by-side for comparison.

02_Lauren Solare

Hit-Girl” from “Kick Ass” and “Kick Ass 2

“Hellboy” from “Hellboy” and “Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Laura Kinney (X 23)” Marvel Comics’ female version of their character “Wolverine”.


“Storm (Ororo)” from Marvel Comics’ “X-Men”.

A “Space-Babe” Practice for “Sue Solare” above.

Spider-Man after Todd McFarlane.


A Classic Supergirl

“Hank” interpretation of an original character for a Weekly Sketch Group challenge at

“American Woman” a sort of re-imagining of a “Wonder Woman” type character.

“Captain America” inspired by the recent movies.

“Green Lantern” inspired by the recent movie.


“Paradigm” an original character of mine.

A Stylized Portrait of a good friend and neighbor of mine

A “Skrull “ for a Weekly Sketch Group challenge at featuring the Villains of the “Fantastic Four”.

“Whiplash” an original character of mine.

I’m first and foremost a “cat” person, but I like dogs a lot, too.

“Flying Batman” a re-imagining of mine for Batman’s suit, with folding “wings”.

“‘NEW’ Batman” Another rendering of a re-design of mine for Batman’s suit.

“Dr. Manhattan” inspired by the movie “The Watchmen”.

“Corona” an original character of mine.

Another one of MANY “Space Gals” I’ve Illustrated over the past few years

“Elinore” one of the feature characters in Ralph Bakshi‘s classic animated movie “Wizards”

This “Space Girl” was during a period when I was emulating the great Chris Sanders. I leave it to you whether I succeeded.

A “Space Girl” taken from my sketch, then rendered in vector format in Adobe Illustrator

A character I created named “Trailer Trish”. Aliens always seem to be dropping in on the backwoods people.

“Bronze Bot” a photo-collage combined with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop elements to create a mechanoid in the “Steampunk” style.

“Cuddle Bear” Another piece started as a sketch, then rendered in Illustrator. I entered the name “Cuddle Bear” into a translation website to get the Kanji characters. I wanted a “J-Pop” feel to this piece.

“Robo-Ex” This piece was started as a simple Illustrator animation, which I later rendered-out, adding special lighting effects in Photoshop. Inspired by the online sci-fi comic series: “Varla Dayne”.

“‘Buck’ Celis” This self-portrait as myself as a “Buck Rogers” type was for a self-promtional flyer, advertising the design and graphics services of “Captain Quickdraw”.

Some Cute Aminals

For several years now, I’ve been concentrating on figurative work (to put it in fancy terms); “Superheroes” to be less pretentious. Last year, I’d done some “cute” animals as a sort of break, and later on, towards the end of the year, I’d done some more.

(Click image above to see larger version in another window)

(Click image above to see larger version in another window)